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Welcome to join Oras Group’s sustainability journey!

Oras Group is market leader in the Nordics and a leading European player in sanitary fittings through strong brands and excellent user experience. Our mission is to create The Smartest and Most Sustainable Water Experiences for Everyone.

Did you know that less than 1% of the Earth’s freshwater is available for human consumption? With the increasing effects of climate change we must put effort into preserving this valuable resource. All life on Earth is dependent on water and we at Oras Group want to carry our responsibility by enabling water smart living with our water and energy saving products.

We work on becoming the Perfect Flow Company. As part of this we aim to minimize our negative impacts on the climate and environment, promote positive impacts in our own operations and value chain as well as ensure a responsible workplace.

Read more down below about Oras Group’s Sustainability key figures, sustainability program and targets.

Key Figures 2024

Net Sales
€ million
1 084
Carbon footprint
51 153
t CO2e
Products with water and energy saving features
> 90%
incl. faucets and showers
% of women in management positions

Sustainability as part of Oras Group strategy

Oras Group’s sustainability is based on the company’s strategy, mission, commitments and the owner’s vision of sustainable value creation. Oras Group’s sustainability efforts are built on the UN Sustainable Development Goals which were set in 2021 for the company. In 2023 Oras Group set its time-bound Sustainability targets for 2030. The company’s Code of Conduct also guides our work in respecting international human rights and minimizing our negative impact to the environment.

Our sustainability program includes three streams with specific targets: Sustainable supply chain, Sustainable products and services and Responsible workplace. We continue our sustainability work to deliver our targets and enable water smart living for our customers and end-consumers.

Oras Group Sustainability program

EcoVadis Bronze medal


Oras Group has completed the EcoVadis assessment process and demonstrated sustainability performance that was awarded with the EcoVadis Bronze medal in 2021 and 2023. The result indicates Oras Group being amongst the best 35% across all companies assessed by the platform.

The EcoVadis assessment contains questions about sustainability performance in environment, ethics, labor & human rights and sustainable procurement and supports companies with feedback on which areas they already perform well and where to develop their practices.

Sustainable Development Goals


We provide products and  services that are safe, enable hygienic water usage, good drinking water quality and reduce water consumption.

We promote safe working environment with the help of automation and technological innovation, creating sustainable growth.

We ensure continuous learning, labor rights and equal treatment of all employees.

We reduce our own CO2 emissions step by step. We develop smart and sustainable ways to use water with our products.

We ensure responsible and transparent processes in our operations and require the same from our suppliers. We develop products and services that reduce water and energy consumption.

Sustainability declarations

EPD Statement


Compliance to REACH legislation

WEEE Declaration

Asbestos Declaration

EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Compliance Declaration

SCIP Database

Unified European Waterlabel

Declaration of Performance

EU Ecolabel

EPD Electronic washbasin faucet

EPD Shower set

EPD Kitchen faucet

EPD Washbasin faucet

EPD Shower faucet

EPD Touchless washbasin faucet

EPD Touchless composite washbasin faucet

EPD Cover part for bath and shower faucet

EPD Body for bath and shower faucet

EPD Urinal flusher

EPD Garden valve

EPD Hybrid kitchen faucet

EPD Hybrid washbasin faucet

EPD Shower system

Transparency Act Norway

The purpose of the Norwegian Transparency Act, which came into force on July 1, 2022, is for Norwegian companies to work for good working conditions and compliance with human rights in their supply chains.

All companies covered by the Act are required to carry out due diligence assessments and to report on these annually.

Oras Group publishes the report on the due diligence assessments in accordance with the Transparency Act, through our sustainability website.

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